Selasa, 12 November 2019

Benefit of Second Language Learning

Today we live in globalized world, a world where cultural understanding and interaction is becoming wider and be an inseperable part of our daily lives. This also makes the business world and companies from national scale to multinational. Thus, one of the keys to getting a job in a multinational company is international scale knowledge and language knowledge. So, its important for us to learn second language. We will discuss about several benefits of second language learning.

The first benefit of second language learning is improved your first language. Learning the new language makes you more understand about the basic of your own language, such as the vocabulary, grammar, conjuction, comprehension, idioms, and sentence structure become everyday phrase, whereas your own language is probably learn more intuitively.
Second benefit of language learning is increases networking skills. If you are multilingual, it allows you to be more flexible and appreciative of other people opinion and actions. You have the advantages of seeing the world from different viewpoints, enhancing your ability to communicate in todays globally connected world.
According to Judith Kroll at Penn State, “ improved focus on important information and heightened ability to edit our irrelevant information mentally, is another benenfit of bilingualism.” The study explains that fluent bilinguals rarely make language substitution mistakes when speaking with someone who only understands one of the language.
Second language learning will literally make your brain grow. A study in Sweden scientist measured that the brains of learners with an MRI before and after short term intensive language learning. They then compared these scans with those of medical students who’d been studying for exams. Researchers found that the brains of the language study group had physically changed.the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for learning and special navigation, plus three others parts of cerebral cortex related to language learning, underwent structural changes and growth.
So, learning the second language is very important for us and have many benefits, such as, improved our first language, increases networking skills, improved focus on important information, and literally make our brain growth

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