Sabtu, 16 November 2019

Which one is better?! Fruit or juice?

 Drinking fruit or vegetable juice is one way to lose weight and is considered a form of a healthy lifestyle. However, many also say that it is better to eat fruit than to drink juice. So which one is better ?! Let's discuss some comparisons between fruit vs. juice.

Eating the fruit is easier to digest and is more beneficial but drinks juice. This is because chewed fruit is very useful for the process of absorption of nutrients in the body. Child Gastrohepatology Consultant, Frieda Handayani Kawanto, was met at the "Closing Press Conference on 2017 Children's Healthy Eating Education Program" at Bunga Rampai Restaurant, Jakarta said that eating fruit is better because when chewed, saliva (salivary glands) and enzymes in the mouth will break down carbohydrates in the fruit. The fruit will be easily digested when entering the digestive tract.
fruit juice also contains fiber that is absorbed by the body, but can be dangerous if it does not pay attention to how it is made.

 You should pay attention to the fruit when it is made of juice, it is highly recommended to use a low speed blender when making juice, becauser fruit that is blended at high speed, vitamin levels will be reduced. Packaged fruit juices contain less fiber and more sugar than fruit.

 The biggest substance that you can get from drinking packaged fruit juice is sugar, because about 350 ml of apple juice alone has as many as 165 calories and 39 grams of calories - equivalent to approximately 10 teaspoons. In fact, the recommended use of sugar in a day only reaches 6 teaspoons at most. So, no wonder drinking fruit juice will only make your health condition worse and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

 In research by several researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, it was found that people who prefer to drink juice rather than eat real fruit, are increasingly at risk of developing diabetes. While the habit of eating fresh fruit actually reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Most of the juice content is added additives to strengthen the taste of fruit juice.

 Not only that, the additives found in bottled juices are more numerous and varied, such as preservatives. According to various studies, consuming food or drinks that contain additives too often, a higher risk for coronary heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases. Abbey Sharp, R.D., a nutritionist based in Toronto warns that making juice is the same as removing insoluble fiber contained in fruits and vegetables.
"This is a valuable nutrient that accelerates the digestive system and helps you feel full," Sharp said, according to Medical Daily. With a low fiber content, Sharp says a spike in blood sugar can occur faster."This risk can be worse if you buy bottled juices that contain added sugars in addition to natural sugars from fruit. But when you make them yourself you can avoid a lot of added sugars," Sharp added.

 On the other hand, vegetable juice can provide benefits. But the weakness is the taste of vegetable juice is not so good compared to consuming fruit juice with high s ugar levels. 

Fruit or juice have each benefit, but it is recommended to eat fruit than drink juice. 

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