Sabtu, 14 Desember 2019

Tutorial of How to Use Audacity Application

This video contain about how to use Audacity Application for easy teaching and learning english

Audio about Simple Future and Narrative Text-

This audio contain about materials of simple future and narrative text, also there are some questions for students understanding of audio

How to Use Paint Brush Application

This is my new video in my channel, the video contain about how to use paint brush for teaching english, lets watch it and enjoy the video 😊

Audio of News by using Audacity for teaching listening

This audio contain about news of english, this for teaching listening, Enjoy the audio 😊

Narration Text for Fun Learning English

New update in my channel, this is video about narration text that support by the picture, it is for fun learning,  come and enjoy the video😊

Watch here

Rabu, 11 Desember 2019

New posting video😍 come and enjoy it in my channel😊😊

The video is about teaching english about greeting expression , there is question at the end of the video to help teacher to know the students Understanding of the video happy watching😊

      Watch here

Senin, 25 November 2019

Easy English Learning

As you can see, learning english  is easy. And now, you can start feeling better knowing that you can learn through your own efforts.

Sabtu, 16 November 2019

Which one is better?! Fruit or juice?

 Drinking fruit or vegetable juice is one way to lose weight and is considered a form of a healthy lifestyle. However, many also say that it is better to eat fruit than to drink juice. So which one is better ?! Let's discuss some comparisons between fruit vs. juice.

Selasa, 12 November 2019

Benefit of Second Language Learning

Today we live in globalized world, a world where cultural understanding and interaction is becoming wider and be an inseperable part of our daily lives. This also makes the business world and companies from national scale to multinational. Thus, one of the keys to getting a job in a multinational company is international scale knowledge and language knowledge. So, its important for us to learn second language. We will discuss about several benefits of second language learning.